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All posts tagged in truth

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    Se você é como a maioria das pessoas, provavelmente acha difícil acordar cedo e começar o dia com o pé direito. No entanto, uma rotina matinal saudável e produtiva pode ser a chave para aumentar sua energia, motivação e produtividade ao longo do dia. Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudá-lo a criar uma rotina matinal

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    A história dos relógios e relógios de parede remonta a mais de 5.000 anos atrás, com os antigos egípcios criando os primeiros dispositivos de medição do tempo. Esses dispositivos incluíam relógios de sol e relógios de água, que eram usados para acompanhar o movimento do sol e das estrelas no céu. No entanto, foram os

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    Voar em um avião é uma das formas mais rápidas e convenientes de se deslocar pelo mundo. A tecnologia aeronáutica moderna permite-nos chegar a lugares distantes em um curto período de tempo e com um alto nível de segurança. Mas, além da conveniência, o que há de bom em viagens de avião? Em primeiro lugar,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,

  • janeiro 5, 2023By Adriano Botelho

    It’s remarkable to watch a five-year-old draw, void of any anxiety about what the world will think. We all start our lives creatively confident, happy to create and share our work with pride. And then, as we age, our comfort with creative expression declines. We’re discouraged by the learning curve of creative skills and tools,
